The left seeks to stand out in the face of Emmanuel Macron's Olympic triumph

09 August 2024 / Interviews

While Emmanuel Macron takes advantage of the international attention of the Olympic Games to strengthen his image, the French left is trying to make its voice heard. While the president multiplies symbolic gestures and enthusiastic declarations on social networks, the New Popular Front (NFP), led by Lucie Castets, is struggling to maintain its media presence.

The suspended campaign

The candidate nominated by the NFP for the post of Prime Minister, Lucie Castets, made some public appearances in Lille and in a Duralex factory transformed into a SCOP. She also shared details of her private life in an interview with Paris Match. However, attention remains focused on the exploits of French athletes. The NFP therefore paused its campaign until the end of the Games, hoping to relaunch political debates after the closing ceremony.

Criticisms and attempts at repositioning

Before the start of the Games, members of La France insoumise had expressed criticism of “sport business” and the ecological and social consequences of the event. However, some representatives of the left, such as Marine Tondelier, have adjusted their discourse, participating in the sporting celebrations themselves.

Anne Hidalgo on the front line

Anne Hidalgo, mayor of Paris and leading figure in the Olympic bid since 2015, is taking advantage of this moment to claim her role in the success of the Games. Despite past criticism and political attacks, she says the public's enthusiasm proves that the French are not fooled by negative rhetoric. She expresses her satisfaction with the international recognition of Paris and does not fail to oppose criticism from the far right.


Faced with an Emmanuel Macron who capitalizes on the popularity of the Olympic Games, the French left finds itself in a delicate position, seeking to maintain its visibility while associating itself with national success. The coming weeks, after the “Olympic truce”, will be crucial for relaunching the political dynamic.